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4:65, the most miss quoted verse against the Prophet

Writer's picture: Mike StewardMike Steward

Updated: May 30, 2024

This is the number one verse presented as evidence by mainstream Muslims who believe we must use Sunnah and hadith associated with the Prophet and guidance and deen.

If I take this verse at face value or as is I could clearly see why someone would come to the conclusion that this is the answer to that claim. Lets take a look at this verse and its context and see if it truly says what they imply it says: 4:65 But no, by your Lord, “THEY” will not believe until “THEY” make you judge about what arises between them, then not “THEY” find in themselves any discomfort about what you decided and submit submission. There are questions that arise from this verse that are not answered in this verse: 1.) who is the verse referencing when it says “THEY” and “THEM” ? 2.) how do you know who “THEY” and “THEM” are in relation to who is being spoken about? 3.) what is it “THEY” seek in relying on the Prophet? 4.) why will “THEY” not believe unless the Prophet intercedes? Fortunately Allah says we have to believe and accept all the verses so lets see first who is the verse talking about? to do this we need to read the verses prior to this verse. Here, is the start of the explanation in the Quran about who these people ferrered to are: 4:60 Do you not see “those” who claim that “THEY” believe in what (is) revealed to you and what was revealed before you? “THEY” wish to go for judgment to the false deities and surely “THEY” were ordered to reject it. And the Shaitaan wishes to mislead “them” astray - far away. 4:61 And when it is said to“THEM”, "Come to what Allah (has) revealed and to the Messenger," you see the “hypocrites” turning away from you (in) aversion. 4:62 So how when befalls “THEM” disaster for what sent forth “their” hands then “THEY” come to you swearing by Allah, "Not “WE” intended except good and reconciliation." 4:63Those” (are) the ones who - Allah knows what (is) in “their” hearts, so turn away from“THEM” and admonish “THEM”, and say to “THEM” concerning “their” souls a word penetrating. 4:64 And not We sent any Messenger except to be obeyed by (the) permission of Allah. And if “THEY”, when “THEY” wronged “themselves”, (had) come to you and asked forgiveness (of) Allah, and asked forgiveness for “THEM” the Messenger, surely “THEY” would have found Allah Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. 4:65 But no, by your Lord, “THEY” will not believe until “THEY” make you judge about what arises between “THEM”, then not “THEY” find in “themselves” any discomfort about what you decided and submit submission. 4:66 And if We decreed on “them” that, "Kill “yourselves" or "Go forth from “your” homes," not “THEY” would have done it except a few of “THEM”. But if “THEY” had done what “THEY” were advised with [it], surely (it) would have been better for “THEM” and stronger strengthen(ing). 4:67 And then We would given “THEM” from Ourselves a great reward. 4:68 And We would have guided “THEM” (to the) straight way. There is no more clearer evidence than the verses in the Quran to explain the verses in the Quran. Answers to the Questions derived from the Verse 4:65: 1.) Who is the verse referencing when it says "THEY" and “THEM” ? A.1.) Here we can clearly see from verse 4:60 - 4:68 that “THEY” are not good people and “THEY” are not people who believe and obey what Allah gave them to use, “THEY” worshiped deities, “THEY” lied and deceived the Prophet. 2.) how do you know who “THEY” and “THEM” are in relation to who you think is being spoken about.? A.2.) Clearly the verses clarify who the verse 4:65 is talking about, yet by the admission of those who follow hadith/sunnah believe it is speaking to/about all Muslims like them. so will they still believe it now? 3.) what is it “THEY” seek in relying on the Prophet? A.3) The answer is given in 4:60 those who claim that “THEY” believe. “THEY” wish to go for judgment to the false deities and surely “THEY” were ordered to reject it. These two parts of the verse clearly define what and why even though “THEY” were ordered not to. Yet still they want to make the Prophet a deity and intercessor. 4.) why will they not believe unless the Prophet intercedes? A.4.) This is clearly answered in all of these verses 4:60-68, “THEY” are a people who accept no responsibility for there actions “THEY” want a scapegoat, someone/thing to be able to blame every decision made that goes bad or wrong. “THEY” want an intercessor. Food for thought: For any who read this, never just use a verse alone as your evidence until you have verified the context from which you pulled the verse. No single verse can stand alone without the rest of the Quran to verify and confirm it, this is why Allah says to us we must believe and accept all of it (not just the parts you like). This crazy belief that verse 4:65 is a firmament to taking hadith and sunnah of the Prophet as deen or required as necessary is so ridiculous after reading just a few more verses for context is mind boggling. I mean all i had to do was read a few more verses before and after to see very, very clearly that “THEY” are not good people, “THEY” are not of those who submit to God alone, “THEY” are liars and deceivers “THEY” are those who follow the misleading by Shaitaan . I hope this simple and easily verifiable submission of evidence from the Quran will help the many of you who think or thought this verse was your evidence to following everything the people of the past recollected the Prophet said and did, to see the truth in it and ask Allah for forgiveness and guidance to the truth. Peace.

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