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Is the Quran insufficient?

Writer's picture: GODs MessageGODs Message

Updated: May 30, 2024

Those who insist that following the Quran alone is insufficient and that without the hadith we would never be able to follow true Islam, quote several Quranic verses to support their claims.


One of the most repeated claims made by the hadith followers in their attempt to justify why the Quran alone is not sufficient is the claim that the Quran does not have all the details we need to follow the religion.


They claim that the Quran has only broad principles, but the details are only found in the hadith and sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad.


When we read what God says about that issue, we immediately detect the real content of the hearts of those who make such claims. In plain words, they do not believe the Quranic words!


In surah 17: Verse 46 it clearly states:

Literal – Word by Word:

And We have placed over their heart’s coverings, lest they understand it, and in their ear’s deafness. And when you mention your Lord in the Quran Alone, they turn on their backs (in) aversion.


The keyword "alone" (wahd) is deliberately placed by God after the word "Quran” and not after the words "your Lord". The ‘hu’ just after ‘wahd’ is masculine and is referring to the ‘al-Qurani’ which is also masculine.

If God intended the meaning to be (if you mention your Lord alone in the Quran) God would have placed the word "alone" after "your Lord" and not after "Quran".

The following are the Quranic assertions that the Quran contains all the details we need, and that God has not left anything out of the Book:


In surah 6 verse 114 we can see the following:

Literal – Word by Word

"Then is (it) other than Allah I seek (as) judge, while He (is) the One Who has revealed to you the Book explained in detail?" And those (to) whom We gave them the Book, they know that it (is) sent down from your Lord in truth, so (do) not be among the ones who doubt.


Analysing the verse above, the Quran was brought down to us, and it is a book which is fully detailed.


In surah 12 verse 111 we see the following:

Literal – Word by Word

Verily, (there) is in their stories a lesson for men (of) understanding. Not (it) is a narration invented, but a confirmation (of that) which (was) before it and a detailed explanation (of) all things, and a guidance and mercy for a people who believe.


From the verse above, we can take that the Quran has detailed explanations of all things.


In Surah 6 Verse 38, it states:

Literal – Word by word

And not [of] any animal in the earth and not a bird (that) flies with its wings - but (are) communities like you. We have not neglected in the Book [of] anything, then to their Lord, they will be gathered.


From analysing the verse above, God did not leave anything out of the Book.


In Surah 16 Verse 89 is states:

Literal – Word by word

And the Day We will resurrect among every nation a witness over them from themselves. And We (will) bring you (as) a witness over these. And We sent down to you the Book (as) a clarification of everything and a guidance and mercy and glad tidings for those-who-submit/Muslims.


The verse above highlights the fact that the Quran, provides explanations of all things.


In summary:

  • 17:46 states the Quran alone is all we need for salvation.

  • 6:114 states the Quran was brought down to us, and it is a book which is fully detailed.

  • 12:111 states the Quran has detailed explanations of all things.

  • 6:38 states that God did not leave anything out of the Book.

  • 16:89 highlights the fact that the Quran, provides explanations of all things


Even though the Quran is clear that the Quran itself should be used as the only source for guidance. Yet many Muslims who are not content with the Quran alone, seek other forms of guidance and manmade conjecture.

They are not happy with the Gods words from the Quran. Thus, they are following another God besides God, in other words, and in some cases, they are practising something else without even noticing it.


Please verify everything with the Quran


Peace and Respect!

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