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Response to Nouman Ali Khan's Video - Why do we need Hadith if the Quran is enough?

Writer's picture: GODs MessageGODs Message

I seek refuge from Satan the Rejected - In the Name of GOD, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Please see our response to Nouman Ali Khan's YouTube video below.

Our Response Below


1. Nouman's first point about 4:65 is read out of context

He reads after the Ayat but fails to mention the preceding ayats which lead to the reason for the oath of Allah

Let's go back and look at it

4.60-61 Have you not seen those who assert that they believe in what has been revealed to you and what was revealed before you?

They desire to summon one another to the judgment of the Shaitan, <---

though they were commanded to deny him, and the Shaitan desires to lead them astray into a remote error.

And when it is said to them:

Come to what Allah has revealed and to the Apostle, <----

you will see the hypocrites turning away from you with (utter) aversion.

Here it mentions the summoning of one another then it mentions COME to what Allah has revealed.

Not the word of the prophet, not the way the prophet would live his life but to the words of Allah.

Now when you read 4:65 in context, it states to only look for the answers in Allahs words and no outside sources (because the judgment is ONLY from what is revealed to him as mentioned in 4:60-61)


2. "How can the character of the prophet be insignificant?"

There are many places where Allah questions the choices the prophet made.

Besides the obvious turning away from a blind man in 80.1 (and we are told 80.10 he was distracted)

there is also the prophets hiding his emotion/desire and feared men instead of Allah (33.37)-(which violates 2.41), or when the prophet forbid himself from what Allah made lawful to him (66.1)-(which violates 16.116.117)

So there are numerous places where the prophet has made human errors and needs to be reprehended by Allah as to come back to the right path.

Muhammad was mortal, had mistakes like you and me. The book that taught him is flawless.

Why should I make the same mistakes from the imperfect apprentice when the perfect instructor has given me the same words that taught and kept fixing the apprentices errors?

Why should I follow the apprentice with human errors when the book that taught him how to be a Muslim with no mistakes is between my hands?


3. "Sometimes he would be inspired by Allah and say things with his own words"

Here Nouman is referring to such hadiths like hadith Qudsi, where hadith followers believe Muhammad was inspired by Allah, told by the Angels but was directly to him and not a part of revelation.

The only way Muhammad was inspired by Allah was through revelation. He had no other function but delivering the Quran.

If the Angels did inspire him then whatever they told him must be recorded within the pages of the book (because whatever Muhammad heard from the Angels had to be recorded, that was his task).

He was not allowed to be inspired then with his own words record what he thought on the subject because that would mean it was from his own desire and would go against 53.3-4 which explains the revelation is the only thing not from his own desire.

"The messenger has

NO FUNCTION EXCEPT DELIVERING (Quran) <---- and God knows whatever you declare, as well as whatever you conceal. Say, 'The good and the bad are not the same, despite the abundance of the bad.'

Therefore, you shall observe God, <----

O you who possess intelligence, that you may succeed." (5:99-100)

Clearly, in these ayats we are told Muhammad didn't have any other function besides delivering the Quran and for that reason, we should OBSERVE ALLAH alone (and not Muhammad who as pointed out in my rebuttal earlier made human errors)


4. "Quran wasn't delivered like FedEx but needs a living role model”

"You have NO duty EXCEPT delivering (Quran)" (42:48)

"Your ONLY duty is delivering (Quran), while we will call them to account." (13:40)

"God is the teacher of Quran." (55:1-2)

"Do not move your tongue (O Muhammad) in anticipation of Quran. It is we who put it together as a Quran. Once we recite it, you shall follow it. Then, it is we who explain it." (75:16-19)

Clearly in the above ayats Muhammad only had to deliver the book and had no other duty. He wasn't expected to rephrase, try and explain or be a role model for anyone.

Also Muhammad doesn’t live through hadiths he lives through Quran. When you hear the word of Allah being recited, its as if Muhammad is standing there delivering the words to us as his people. Its also as if your there in the cave with the angel receiving the words just like Muhammad. They are the words he fought tooth and nail to be protected and delivered.

Which also brings me to the question did Muhammad need to physically see the other mentioned prophets in order to follow the Quran?


Quran says in many places that we follow Ibrahim who was the designated Imam of the world (and not Muhammad).


And when tried Ibrahim his Lord with words and he fulfilled them, He said, "Indeed (am) the One to make you for the mankind a leader." He said, "And from my offspring?" He said, "(Does) not reach My Covenant (to) the wrongdoers."

Not just for when he existed but for all time. Even


5. Nouman quoted 29.50-51 to justify the Quran is not enough by itself


And they say: Why are not signs sent down upon him from his Lord? Say: The signs are only with Allah, and I am only a plain warner.

Is it not enough for them that We have revealed to you the Book which is recited to them? Most surely there is mercy in this and a reminder for a people who believe.

Nouman concentrated on the miracle aspect of these ayats.

To refute this first we need to understand the word for miracle

In Arabic the word for miracle is ayat


Waqaloo lawla onzila AAalayhi

ayatun <---

min rabbihi qul innama alayatu AAinda Allahi wainnama ana natheerun mubeenun

Awalam yakfihim anna anzalna AAalayka alkitaba yutla AAalayhim inna fee thalika larahmatan wathikra liqawmin yuminoona

The word miracle mentioned is ayat

So the people are asking why is there no other AYATS sent to him and he is commanded to respond that he's only a warner and the book which contains the mercy and reminder has all the required AYATS.


6. Quran is easy

He mentions Quran doesn't mention it is simple but it does say easy for dhikr (remembrance)

Why does Nouman not mention other places where the word easy is used?

Like for example

19:97 and only to this end have We made this [divine writ] EASY (yassarnāhu) to understand, in thine own tongue, [O Prophet,] so that thou might convey thereby a glad tiding to the God-conscious, and warn thereby those who are given to [futile] contention:

44:58 THUS, THEN, [O Prophet,] have We made this [divine writ] EASY (yassarnāhu) to understand, in thine own [human] tongue, so that men might take it to heart.

Here the word easy is used to show its understanding and contemplation is Easy (and not just for remembrance).


7. Quran was predominantly oral and only down the road needed to be transcribed

Surahs were individually delivered to the people but the Quran continually reiterates that it was sent in a complete BOOK form.

This can be seen in the 200+ times the word KITAB is mentioned in the Quran.

2.2 Thalika alkitabu la rayba feehi hudan lilmuttaqeena

THAT BOOK, no doubt, in it a guidance for the god conscious

So Muhammad had a complete book and as he read the pages he delivered them to his people individually.

Once he delivered each Surah he merely had to deliver the already completed book in its current format.

So to think the sahaba compiled the Quran is completely wrong when Allah had already compiled it.


8. The people who wrote the Quran also wrote the hadiths

No it isn't.

The people who wrote hadiths were 200 years after. They merely used the names of characters that existed many generations before their time.

May Allah guide us all

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