I seek refuge from Satan, the rejected.
In the Name of GOD, Most Gracious, Most Merciful!
Our Creator said the majority is misguided (Quran.com/6:116, Quran.com/5:49) and are actually MUSHRIKS/POLYTHEISTS (Quran.com/12:106), and commanded us to REASON (Quran.com/8:22) and NOT follow blindly (Quran.com/17:36).
He ONLY preserved the QURAN (per Quran.com/15:9 & Quran.com/41:41-42, Quran.com/22:52), and told us to seek refuge when reading the QURAN (Quran.com/16:98).
He said we CAN’T have 2 sources (Quran.com/39:29), and that those who study another book & choose from another book are CRIMINALS (Quran.com/68:35-38). He said inheriting the religion instead of following what Allah revealed leads to HELL (Quran.com/31:21).
There is ZERO mention of ANY Prophet’s “Hadith” or “Sunnah” in the fully-detailed Quran.
Allah swt said His SUNNAH has NO change or alteration (Quran.com/35:43), the Quran was IMPOSED on the Prophet (Quran.com/28:85, Quran.com/33:38), and the Messenger would’ve been GREATLY PUNISHED if he deviated even a BIT from REVELATION (Quran.com/17:73-74) or had ANY SAYINGS about Allah (Quran.com/69:38-47).
Per Quran.com/55:1-4, ALLAH taught the Quran.
Allah commanded (Quran.com/7:2-3, Quran.com/6:153) we follow ONLY the Quran and NOTHING ELSE.
As clear by hovering over the Arabic, He EXPLICITLY said to remember Allah in the QURAN ALONE (Quran.com/17:46), and that ANYONE who does not judge by what ALLAH revealed is a disbeliever, wrongdoer & rebel (Quran.com/5:43-51).
Per Quran.com/27:91, Prophet Muhammad was commanded to be of the "MUSLIMS" (NOT "Sunnis", "Shias", "Malikis", "Sufis", or ANY other sect!) ALL sects are MUSHRIKS (per Quran.com/30:31-32) and NO SECT has ANYTHING to do with the Messenger (Quran.com/6:159).
In the GREATEST TESTIMONY (Quran.com/6:19), Allah ordered the Messenger to say he warned with the QURAN those with him AND whomever IT reaches (i.e. us).
There’s NO mention of Hadith/Sunnah, and there is ZERO authorization in the Quran to write the Messenger’s personal words.
Quran.com/6:114 says Allah is the ONLY judge/law-maker, and He revealed the BOOK explained in detail.
Allah said the ONLY duty upon the messenger is the CLEAR NOTIFICATION (Quran.com/5:99, Quran.com/24/54). That doesn’t mean he said / she said! Allah ordered the Messenger to say HE HAS NO GUIDANCE FOR US (Quran.com/72:21).
There is only ONE MESSAGE: the Quran! That’s confirmed by Quran.com/4:80: He who obeys the Messenger has obeyed Allah. (Of course, Allah’s MESSENGER only had Allah’s MESSAGE: The Quran!)
Per Quran.com/4:87, no one is more truthful than Allah. Per Quran.com/43:78, Allah gave us the Truth, but most people HATE the Truth!
Per Quran.com/10:32, Allah IS the TRUTH, and after the Truth there is ONLY MISGUIDANCE. Quran.com/10:32, Allah IS the TRUTH, and after the Truth there is ONLY MISGUIDANCE.